Frequently Asked Questions
1. As an Event Organiser, I need to provide participants and staff with an appropriate level of medical care throughout the event. What do I need to consider?
First of all, the organisers of an event should consider the potential risks to participants, spectators and staff. The primary considerations of the risk assessment include the number of spectators, demographic profile and nature of the event, the time of year and predicted weather conditions, location of the event, as well as the distance from the nearest hospital equipped with an Emergency Department. No one aspect of the assessment is considered in isolation and it is the combination of all elements of the assessment that allows Victorian Medical Assistance Team to determine the overall risk of the event.
2. I’ve received a quote from a first aid or NEPT company that can provide fully qualified and experienced ambulance paramedics for our event. Is this the same as contracting directly with Ambulance Victoria to provide services?
No. While some private first aid companies may employ former or current ambulance paramedics to staff an event, paramedics can only use their specific paramedic skills, equipment and drugs whilst working for the ambulance service. This means that staff employed as ‘paramedics’ at an event by a private company, are not able to use the level of skills or equipment they use when they work for Ambulance Victoria.
3. I understand that some NEPT Providers are accredited to provide ‘Stand-By Services’ under the Non Emergency Patient Transport (NEPT) Services Regulations 2016. What does this mean?
Victorian Medical Assistance Team holds Standby Accreditation in Victoria. Stand-By Accreditation tells you, the Event Organiser, that we have qualified staff and vehicles that are equipped to provide a certain service level to patients whilst at local events. This accreditation allows us to provide a greater scope of practice in comparison to regular first aid providers at events, including the administration of emergency medications.
4. As an Event Organiser, can I engage the Victorian Medical Assistance Team to coordinate and provide a complete Event Health Service at my event?
Yes, Victorian Medical Assistance Team can provide you with a quotation for this type of service. Feel free to call us on 1300 786 007 to discuss your upcoming event or alternatively send us an email to via the 'Get A Quote' tab.
5. Does Victorian Medical Assistance Team carry its own Professional Indemnity and Public Liability Insurance?
Yes. Our comprehensive insurance arrangement covers all branches of the companies duties.
6. Who can help me undertake a Risk Assessment?
Victorian Medical Assistance Team has developed specific tools in risk assessment for a wide variety of events and we are more than happy to assist Event Organisers when deciding the level of cover they may require for their event. Victorian Medical Assistance Team is able to assess the unique characteristics of each event and provide reassurance that the best patient care possible is delivered in an appropriate, timely and cost effective manner.
7. If I organise a NEPT provider to provide stand-by first aid cover at an event, can the company also transport a patient to hospital?
When a patient requires transport, an authorised health professional (as described in r. 10 (4) (b) of the Regulations) may authorise the use of NEPT in accordance with the protocols and the Regulations. Where an authorised health professional is not available, the licensed NEPT provider will contact Ambulance Victoria communications for advice regarding the most suitable transport.